Tuesday 17 March 2009


Well we have finally made it to our first port of call, Tokyo!! The flight was as you would expect all 12 hour flights to be, long and boring, although they did have all the latest films which kind of kept us occupied. I watched Slum Dog Millionaire which was pretty good. The time difference is a bit of a killer though. We set off at 10am from London and flew at 1pm, and arrived the next day at 1am, however with the 9 hours time difference that was 10am Japan time, so we hadn't slept at all and we were back at first thing in the morning.

So we're staying in a little district a few train stops from the centre of Tokyo, called Ueno (pronounced 'oo-en-o'). It's a nice little area, but still pretty busy. Getting used to the fact that people can ride their bikes on the pavement is the biggest worry, you have people whizzing past you all the time which mean you can't just wander along in a daze. Oh, and everyone wears those dust mask things when walking around, I thought that was just a stereotype of the country, but nope, it's true!

So after all that processed areoplane food we thought we're go out for some lunch. I tell you, finding somewhere to eat is difficult when no one speaks any English and none of the menu's or signs are in English either. We must have walked around for an hour, and there were so many noodle bars etc. that looked and smelled nice, but Kelly was a bit too afraid to go in and order something as she wasn't sure what she would get. I wasn't going to argue too much and so after an hour of wandering around we ended up in McDonalds. Even that was a challenge as we just had to point at things. So I've made a rule for tomorrow, we're not allowed to go anywhere near any familiar fast food places.

We came home at 2pm Japan time (which is about 5am British time) and decided to go for a 'quick nap', and that's us just woken up at 10pm! So we've blundered a bit there. Think I'm going to send this blog and then try and get some more sleep. We're heading to the centre of Tokyo tomorrow to look around and try and get our bearings. So hopefully we'll manage to get some nice pictures to put on here. In the meantime, here is one of Kelly lying on our bed in our tiny little room, and one of me in a traditional Japanese robe which came with the room. Please forgive the state of me, I've been up for 24 hours!

Have fun and tomorrow will be more about the centre of Tokyo!

1 comment:

  1. McDonalds????

    Must try harder wee man, you must try harder
